50 First Dates Discussion on TBI

Hello, my name is J.T. Wright and I have been given a special assignment in my occupational therapy program. I have been told to write a blog about a certain topic that would be covered in my Neuro Aspects class. I looked through a list of resources that were given to my class and chose to do Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In addition to choosing a topic, we also had to choose a source such as a Ted Talk, movie, or any other source that covers the topic and reflect on it. I chose specifically to talk about the movie 50 First Dates. I chose this movie because I have seen it numerous times. So, I found this topic fun. 

This movie is about a man (Adam Sandler) who falls in love with a woman (Drew Barrymore). However, there are some obstacles to overcome. In the past, the woman had a bad car accident with her father which caused damage to the brain, specifically the temporal lobe. The temporal lobe is responsible for several actions of the body, but in this movie it points out the importance of it in relation to short-term memory. The woman remembers everything up until the day of the accident. She cannot remember anything that happens the day before the present day. It is as if she is stuck in a loop on the day of the accident. In addition, her father and brother do everything they can to make that day repeat every day of the year. One thing that is done is she will paint the shed walls every day, and once she goes to sleep, the brother and father go back and paint it white again. This repeats everyday. Another thing they do is celebrate her fathers birthday. She will buy him a cake and give it to him everyday along with a movie that is re-wrapped every night. They watch this movie every night even though they, especially the brother, are very tired of it. It is also not only a family effort. Her hometown diner is where she eats breakfast everyday. They along with everyone else knows her condition and treat her just like her family does. 

As far as the guy who has fallen in love with her, he struggles at first. The second time he greets her, he does not know that she has a short-term memory impairment. So, this sort of freaks her out. She storms off and the lady at the diner explains to him exactly what is going on. You would think that he would just leave and not try, however that is not the case. He keeps meeting her everyday and treats everyday as if that is the only day that matters. 

So, that is a short summary and some details about the movie. TBI can cause numerous complications and everyday challenges. When watching this movie, I realized how much support means to people with this type of diagnoses. Her days were great everyday thanks to her selfless family and peers. It also gives some insight that shows just because you know someone with an issue, you do not have to sit there and just feel bad for them. With support and help, people with traumatic brain injury, specifically short-term memory loss, can still have a high quality life, which is the ultimate goal right? So, I encourage people to watch this movie, and more importantly, try relate the kindness shown into your real everyday life. Kindness can cure many problems, and people with TBI like this need support. 


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