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Imposter Syndrome

      What do I think of imposter syndrome? Well, to be honest, before my second year of graduate school, I had never heard of this term. Basically, it means that you feel as though you are not capable of your job or fit the norm when thinking about people who also have the same career. I have this feeling quite often.      I scored a 61 on the imposter rating scale meaning I have imposter syndrome frequently. I have noticed this to be true after having 2 discussions with my professors in the past in which they brought this term up. One of the main reasons that I feel "out of place" in the field of OT is due to my hometown, which I love and plan on never leaving it. I am from a small rural town where church, family, and hunting mean everything. When I got to Memphis, TN, I realized that only a few could relate to me. I believe this caused me to apply this thought to the entire field of OT. Obviously, my professors pointed this out and I have done a lot of thinking about not o

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