Using a Pickle Jar for OT

    Hi, so I was given an object, a pickle jar, to use as a therapeutic activity for a client. At first I was unsure as to what I needed to focus on. However, I quickly used an OT mindset and began to get creative. My first step was to research and find what was meaningful to the client as well as who he was. I then used that information and thought of an interesting way to use a pickle jar in order to help maintain his physical status as well as cognitive. Thinking in creative ways is the main thing I see carrying over into my future as a practicing OT. I also think it will give me more success in school assignments as we are expected to think out of the box on several occasions. 

    I do think that I learned how to think like an OT more than I am used to. I believe that this also increased my knowledge on using everyday objects in order to help clients. Overall, I feel as though I have gained needed experience in being innovative. I have also gained more experience in reading a client's profile and figuring out the just right challenge for them. I hope you watch my video to see how I used a pickle jar to help someone. Copy and paste the link below into the search bar to view!


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